Army Enlisted Ranks for Crystal Etching & Colorfill

E-2 Private 2
Private is a soldier of the lowest military rank . Private 2 is for trainee who's starting Basic Combat Training (BCT) and whose primary role is to carry out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability.
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E-3 Private First Class
In the United States armed forces, Private First Class (PFC) is a military rank held by junior enlisted persons. PV2s are promoted to this level after one year-or earlier by request of supervisor. Individual can begin BCT at this level with experience or prior military training.
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E-4 Specialist
Specialist (abbreviated "SPC") is one of the four junior enlisted ranks in the U.S. Army, just above Private First Class and equivalent in pay grade to Corporal.
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E-4 Corporal
In the U.S. Army, a Corporal rank shares the same pay grade (E-4) as a Specialist. Unlike a Specialist, however, a Corporal is a junior non-commissioned officer and may direct the activities of other soldiers.
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E-5 Sergeant
A sergeant commands a squad (9 to 10 Soldiers) and is considered to have the greatest impact on soldiers due to their power of overseeing the daily tasks assigned to soldiers. In short, SGTs set an example and the standard for Privates to look up to, and live up to.
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E-6 Staff Sergeant
A staff sergeant commands a squad (9 to 10 Soldiers) and often has one or more SGTs under their leadership. It is staff sergeant's responsibility to develop, maintain and utilize the full range of his soldiers' potential.
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E-7 Sergeant First Class
Sergeant First Class need to assist and advise the platoon leader. Having 15 to 18 years of Army experience, Sergeant First Class puts it to use by making quick, accurate decisions in the best interests of the soldiers and the country.
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E-8 Master Sergeant
Master sergeant is not charged with all the leadership responsibilities of a 1SG, but is expected to dispatch leadership and other duties with the same professionalism.
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E-8 First Sergeant
First Sergeant is the primary NCO and life-blood of the company, the provider, disciplinarian and wise counselor. Instructs other SGTs, advises the Commander and helps train all enlisted Soldiers. Assists Officers at the company level (62 to 190 Soldiers).
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E-9 Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major acquire experience and abilities which are equal to that of the CSM, but the sphere of influence regarding leadership is generally limited to those directly under his charge. Sergeant Major assists Officers at the battalion level (300 to 1,000 Soldiers).
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E-9 Command Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major could function without supervision and are generally expected to be calm, settled and accurate-with unflagging enthusiasm. Supplying recommendations to the commander and staff, and carrying out policies and standards on the performance, training, appearance and conduct of enlisted personnel, command sergeant major assists officers at the brigade level (3,000 to 5,000 Soldiers).
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E-9 Special-Sergeant Major of the Army
There's only one Sergeant Major of the Army. This rank is the epitome of what it means to be a Sergeant and oversees all Non-Commissioned Officers. Serves as the senior enlisted advisor and consultant to the Chief of Staff of the Army (a four-star General).
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(black plaque)