Gratitude is an important part of everyday life. It's easy for people to underestimate just how much someone means to them until that person isn’t around anymore. This can cause feelings of regret. “Why didn't I tell them how much they meant to me when I still had the chance?” Thankfully, it's never too late to start showing the people around you just how much you care about them. You can show gratitude to the people in your life in many ways—by sending them a quick message via social media, writing them a letter, helping them with simple tasks, offering physical displays of affection such as hugs, or presenting them with meaningful gifts.
You can thank someone in a truly heartfelt way by presenting them with a beautiful customized plaque. They can display this plaque on their dresser, on their fireplace mantle, on their desk, or wherever they see fit. Choosing a message for a plaque can prove difficult. You want to ensure you convey your appreciation in a personal and meaningful way, but it must fit on the plaque without the recipient needing to use a magnifying glass to read it. If you're having a hard time brainstorming, here are some appreciation plaque wording ideas for your spouse, family members, and friends.
For Your Spouse
Your spouse is your rock. They're the person you probably see the most often and the person you love more than anyone else. There are a lot of reasons why you might want to thank your spouse. Maybe you want to acknowledge how they supported you through a rough time in your life. Maybe you want to thank them for simply loving you and being at your side. Maybe you think they deserve recognition for devoting their time to caring for your children as you work, or vice versa—for sacrificing valuable family time to work long hours and ensure that everyone has what they need. Maybe you want to thank them for something as simple as always mowing the lawn, repairing things around the home, cooking meals, or washing the dirty laundry.
Your spouse is sure to appreciate a personalized thank you plaque. If you're wondering how to word your gratitude, here are a few examples to help guide you down the right path:
- “There are so many things I love about you that I don't think I couldn't list them all without running out of breath. Thank you for being a wonderful spouse, a wonderful parent, a wonderful friend, and so much more. I'm pretty sure that being married to you makes me the luckiest person alive.”
- “You're such an incredible spouse that I figured you deserved an award for it. I don't know how you manage everything that you do—chores, taking care of our rambunctious kids, and loving me despite all the cheesy and inopportune jokes I make. You'll always be a superhero in my eyes!”
- “We've gone through a lot throughout the years. We were complete strangers at first, and then we were just friends. Who could have ever guessed that we'd end up spending the rest of our lives at one another's side? Thank you for loving me and everything else that you do. I'm forever grateful that we met on that fateful day.”
For Your Family Members
Family is irreplaceable. Your older and wiser family members, such as your parents or grandparents, have been at your side since the day you took your first breath. Your siblings, cousins, stepparents, and stepsiblings, among other relatives, might be more recent additions to your life, but that doesn't make them any less important.
Most people have a lot of things they want to say to the people who raised them. Your parents played an invaluable role in your development. Their actions and word helped shape you into the person you are today. And though your more distant relatives weren't around as often as your parents, they still played a huge part in making sure your life went as smooth as possible. They kept an eye on you when your parents were busy, took you on outings, bought you presents for your birthday and other special occasions, and more. Your siblings deserve appreciation, too. You might not have always gotten along with them, but they still stood by you through thick and thin. If you're trying to think of ways to word your appreciation for a specific family member or the whole crew, here are a few creative appreciation plaque wording ideas:
- “I'm so incredibly fortunate to have such a loving and understanding family. Thank you for supporting me through everything. I don't know what I would do without your wisdom and guidance, and I definitely don't know what I would do without your unconditional support and love.”
- “If I were offered the biggest, most expensive treasure in the world, I'd turn it down. That's because my family is the best treasure that I could ever want. If I have all of you at my side, I don't need anything else!”
- “Life is like a rollercoaster—full of twists and turns, up and downs, and bumpy paths. I'm unbelievably grateful that they seated me in the same train as all of you. You make the ride so much more enjoyable!”
For Your Friends
What would life be without friends? Most people would agree that it would be lonely and boring. Your friends have done a lot for you, and for that, they deserve all the happiness and appreciation in the world. If you want to get your closest friend a plaque to thank them for their many years of friendship, here are some examples of messages that are sure to touch their heart:
- “Bestie, I have no clue what I'd ever do without you. You brighten up each and every day and make even the simplest outings feel like an exhilarating adventure. I hope the two of us will be friends until we’re both old and gray!”
- “They say that one of the greatest gifts in life is friendship. I can see why—every day I spend with you is full of boatloads of happiness and excitement! Thanks for being the best friend in the world.”
- “Friendship Day might only be one day a year, but you're such a great friend to me that I think you should be celebrated nonstop. You're awesome—thanks for always being there for me!”
If you’re looking for a beautiful, timeless, and customizable thank you plaque for your loved ones, Crystal Central has an incredible variety of designs and styles. Come and design your very own crystal plaque today!