The word commencement almost sounds poetic on its own, so it’s no surprise graduation poems are some of the most meaningful, lyrical creations in the literary universe. Because the milestone of graduation is both reflective and rife with anticipation for the future, it’s important to honor the achievement appropriately. It’s not an occasion to gloss over; it’s something to celebrate. Inspirational graduation poems can help you do that.
Verse to Remember
Whether you are searching for graduation poems for your daughter or graduation poems for son, the most crucial thing to get right is the tone. Graduation poetry shouldn’t be maudlin or moody, but it shouldn’t be flippant or silly either. Choose something that’s exciting and idealistic. Choose something that fondly looks back and then eagerly looks forward. This is especially important when considering graduation poems from parents.
Joanna Fuchs has written a collection of poems for graduates. The following is a beautiful choice:
Your diploma means a future without boundaries,
A world that's full of energy and fun.
So as you reach for all life has to offer,
Remember that you're second to no one.
Pursue your goals, yet keep your loved ones close,
As you utilize your talent and ambition.
Let your friends and family give you their support,
And you'll master every challenging transition.
And always (graduate’s name) know you can achieve
The things you really want, if you believe.
Imagine how much those carefully chosen words will mean to your graduate on his or her special day. It’s the kind of sentiment that doesn’t fade over time.
Preserving Your Poetry
Once you select the graduation poetry that speaks to you, consider engraving it somewhere special. Typing it or writing it out long hand inside a card doesn’t have the same feeling as true inscription. Engraving it on a brick in the walkway of a favorite outdoor path is one idea. A traditional wooden plaque is another. But there’s just something about the smooth, attractive brilliance of crystal that makes it the clear choice.
Personalize a beautiful remembrance with graduation poetry for your loved one to create a truly lasting memory, and make the occasion of commencement one they’ll never forget.