Ideas for What To Say To a Graduate

Ideas for What To Say To a Graduate

It's graduation season, the time where students worldwide celebrate their academic achievements and bid farewell to long days of cramming for quizzes and penning essays.

If you know a recent graduate, you probably want to congratulate them on their diploma, degree, or certificate and wish them a prosperous future. But coming up with the right words isn't always easy. Luckily, we've compiled a list of ideas for what to say to a graduate that will help you express just how proud you are of this major accomplishment.

For Someone You Know Well

There's nothing more exciting and heartwarming than watching a relative or close friend walk across the stage at their graduation ceremony. You've witnessed their battles up close—there was the time they were struggling to pick between extracurriculars and the time they just couldn’t seem to get along with a new professor. You've also been around to see all their triumphs—their beaming smile when they received a good grade on the essay they worked day-and-night on or the time they secured the internship of their dreams.

This journey has been a whirlwind for you and them both, and now it's finally come to a bittersweet conclusion. But don't greet the graduate after the commencement ceremony with tears of sadness in your eyes. Greet them with tears of happiness instead! Here's what to say to a graduate whose journey you followed from beginning to end.

  • You've worked incredibly hard to get where you are today. I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished so far, and I believe you'll continue to achieve even greater things in the future.
  • If there was ever a cause for celebration, this is it! Hats off to you for such an incredible accomplishment. You always make me proud, but I'm especially proud of you today.

For Someone You Don't Know Very Well

Have you been invited to the commencement ceremony or graduation party of someone you only kind of know, like a distant relative or the child of a coworker that you occasionally chat with in the break room?

These graduates deserve just as much recognition as the rest. You might not have personally witnessed their battles and triumphs, but that doesn't make them any less real.

It's hard to come up with something meaningful to say when you don't know the person well, but thankfully, there are plenty of ways to congratulate a graduate that are more formal than personal. Here are some ideas for what to say to a graduate that you aren't familiar with but still want to congratulate.

  • Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you an incredible day and an even more incredible future.
  • Congrats! You worked hard for this moment and deserve nothing but happiness on this exciting day.

Looking for a timeless present to go along with your congratulatory words? Crystal Central carries beautiful crystal plaques that are sure to make any graduate's day. Come and design a personalizedgraduation plaque today!

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