A decade of wedded bliss is so much more than a milestone. Ten years of commitment is so much more than a marital achievement. It's a symbol of something so pure and true that many couples never experience it. The all-important 10th wedding anniversary is a testament to what's already come and a notion of the excitement still ahead. We have compiled a list of sample 10th wedding anniversary messages, wishes and poems to help celebrating 10 years of love.
If you're keen on engraving a romantic 10th wedding anniversary message to your wife, love poetry should be your source of inspiration. Whether it's the words of Shakespeare or couplets you compose yourself, your expressions of love will be right at home, especially as inscription on gorgeous crystal. Browse our sample romantic 10th anniversary poems and our special happy 10th anniversary wishes for the celebrated couple. Don't forget others who are toasting a cherished anniversary! Consider penning a heartfelt happy 10th anniversary message to your daughter or son. They'll be touched that you thought of them, and you'll be satisfied knowing you've helped preserve their special milestone.
Romantic 10th Wedding Anniversary Message to Wife
To My Wife with Love
If I could do it over again,
there’s only one thing I’d change...
I’d have found you sooner,
so I could love you longer.
Because for me, each day that we’re together,
each day that our hearts hold on to each other,
is a better day than the one before.
I Love You.
Sample Romantic 10th Anniversary Poems
Love brought you together as husband and wife,
and gave each of you a best friend of life
May the love that you share last your lifetime
through as you make a wonderful pair
Happy 10th Anniversary!
Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Children
May this day hold many special
moments as you reminisce with joy,
celebrate with laughter, & look ahead
with happiness, knowing that
the best is yet to come!
With Love, Mom and Dad
Happy 10thth Anniversary Wishes for Special Couple
Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary
Seeing how the two of you have grown for the past
ten years is enchanting. As your closest friends,
we wish you nothing but the best and many more
happy years of marriage to come.