Wording Details
In recognition for your outstanding
contributions and dedicated leadership.
Your exceptional performance,
high standards, loyalty and dedication
to duty have contributed immeasurably
to the success of the 106th Signal Brigade.
Godspeed on your next assignment.
A Soldier’s Prayer
Lord, I ask for courage.
Courage to face and
Conquer my own fears...
Courage to take me where
Others will not go.
I ask for strength...
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for dedication...
Dedication to my job, to do it well...
Dedication to my country,
To keep it safe.
Give me, Lord, concern...
For those who trust me
And compassion for those
Who need me, and Please Lord...
Through it all be at my side.
Product Reviews
Fantastic and timely customer service. The product is beautiful!!