Wording Details
To Our Devoted Pastor
Happy 25th Ordination Anniversary!
We thank you for being a man of God,
and for your faithfulness to preach the word!
All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Sample Bible Scripture -
I charge thee therefore before God,
and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall
judge the quick and the dead
at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season,
out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort
with all longsuffering and doctrine.
II Timothy 3:16-4:2
Product Reviews
Love the work. Excellent job, exactly matches the commitment.
Keep the good work.
Looking for a special gift for our Pastor's 25th anniversary of his ordination, and when I found your website and read previous reviews and perused the products I knew I had found what we wanted. The responses from start to finish were timely (usually 1 day!) and the attention to detail was greatly appreciated. All the editing was done exactly as we wanted no matter how small the change requested. It turned out absolutely beautiful. Shipping time was less than the estimated 2 weeks and was packaged with great care.
I was very pleased at the swift response to ail of my questions. The team that I worked with were amazingly helpful and I will recommend Crystal Central for any type of award or recognition plaque. Great Job!!
I found this site at the last minute and still the service/response time was courteous and prompt. The piece I ordered for my pastor was absolutely beautiful! I would definitely use this company again and recommend them to others.
We appreciate your work. The plaque turned our beautifully. Excellent job.
The crystal came out great. I love the floating logo in the background.