Holiday Gift Ideas for Everyone

Holiday Gift Ideas for Everyone

With the holidays fast approaching, it’s important that we get all of our gift shopping completed before we find ourselves in a last-minute frenzy. We have a lot of people in our life that we may want to show our appreciation for, and this doesn’t always just include family members. We put together a guide on giving gifts to all the people that make an impact in your life, even if it’s a subtle one, to help you out. From your pastor to your mailman, we cover all your bases.

1. Your Pastor

We’ll start, of course, with someone who does a lot to add substantial value to one’s life—your pastor. You may want to give your pastor a personalized gift that truly reflects your gratitude for their countless hours of thoughtful service. A truly impactful gift would be a personalized Christian appreciation plaque, or you could also give him something such as a beautiful bookmark to keep in his bible. You could also donate to a cause they support in their name.

2. Your Teacher

Whether it’s your child’s or your own teacher that you want to get a gift for, you can give a few different items to either. If you know any of their individual interests, you could buy a gift card to a place that supports these placed in a thankful card. You could also combine a nice bottle of wine with a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers.

3. Your Boss

Your boss likely puts a lot of time into fostering a positive work environment and helping their employees grow. Consequently, it’s important to give them a small memento to represent your appreciation. You could gift a bottle of wine, or they would also enjoy a nice pen or some type of desk ornament.

4. Your Mailman

It isn’t always easy to travel in cold weather for hours on end, but we have to get our mail somehow. Take this into account, and consider a gift such as nice gloves or a hat for the person who braves the weather to deliver your mail. You could also get them a gift card for a local coffee shop and a thermos to go along with it.

5. Your Garbageman

Another occupation that requires time spent in the cold, your garbageman also deserves a spot on your holiday gift list. You can usually keep this one simple— a card with a personalized note and a bit of cash should work well.

6. Your Go-to Coffee Shop

We all have that coffee shop we love to frequent, whether it’s a franchise or a family-owned joint. Among your daily visits, you and your baristas get to know each other, and we all secretly love when they memorize our name. When you go in for your holiday cup of coffee, bring in a batch of homemade cookies or a collection of chocolate.

7. Your Coach

If you or your child play a sport, include the coach on your holiday list. You could have the entire team pitch in and sign a ball or a hat. You can also get them a trophy with their name on it to remind them that they’re also a winner.

8. Your Babysitter

You can’t forget, of course, the individual that allows you to go on date nights or catch up with your friends. A good babysitter has a notable impact on your children and gives you a much-needed break every once in a while. Nice gifts for a babysitter could include a hand lotion or a candle. You can also give them a bit of a cash bonus the next time they take care of your children.

9. The Local Fire Department

We can never properly thank those who put their safety at risk for us on a daily basis, but we can certainly put in an effort. Food items are always welcome; your local fire fighters would love something such as a freshly baked dessert. You could also supply the firehouse with an item such as a brand-new coffee maker.

10. Your Dog Walker

We all love our furry friends and the people that help us take care of them. Show your appreciation for the individual that takes your best friend out for their much-needed walks. Simply thank your dog walker with a bit of cash or an Amazon gift card.

11. Your Hairdresser

The perfect hairdresser can take time to find, and we all love when the one we like the most can squeeze us into their busy schedule before the holidays. Hairdressers always appreciate a bit of an extra tip, but consider something more personalized. A gift card to a coffee shop or local takeout place is a great option, as they’ll need a bit of fuel to keep them on their feet during those long holiday shifts.

12. Your Loved One’s Caretaker

A caretaker is always on the job, even during the holidays. If you have a loved one with a caretaker, don’t neglect to get them a gift. If they have kids, you could offer to reverse roles and babysit their kids so that they can have an overdue night out.

13. Your Secret Santa

There’s a good chance you may be involved in at least one secret Santa event. If the name you pull doesn’t include any gift ideas, you can’t easily decide what to give. In this case, opt for something that anyone will surly appreciate. This could include a candle, bath bombs, face masks, or a thermos.

14. Your Local Charity

Lastly, we can’t forget to take time during the holidays to give to those that need it most. You likely have a variety of charities in the area, which may include food pantries, women’s shelters, pet rescues, or homeless shelters. Consider donating to a charity that means a lot to you, as this gift may have one of the greatest impacts on someone this holiday season. If you don’t have the monetary means to donate, know that you can help in different ways. One important thing you can donate is your time. Call a local charity and ask when they could use a bit of extra help during this busy season.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Everyone infographic

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